Dayton Microgreens

What Are Microgreens?

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Tiny plants that pack a big punch

Microgreens are miniature/baby versions (2-3 inches) of your favorite vegetables. They are the first true leaves of the plant known as the "cotyledon stage". They grow up to 1 to 3 weeks in a tray filled with jute based growing medium. They are a superfood packed with nutrient dense health benefits. Studies have shown they are between four to forty times as nutrient dense as their adult counterparts.

Who should eat Microgreens?

In one word, EVERYBODY! Teachers, students, kids, the elderly, pregnant women, policeman, fireman, doctors, athletes, body builders, cancer patients, teenagers, people with gifts, scientists, astronauts, and even farmers. Everybody should be consuming one of the most energy filled foods on this planet.